Best System for Better Business and Industrial Developments

The ICP-MS/MS is a second-generation Agilent  8900 ICP-QQQ and it comes with series of configurations for covering applications  from high-performance materials analysis and advanced research to routine contract analysis. There is a similarity between the system and helium mode performance, as well as, the productivity of Agilent quadrupole ICP-MS systems, which is a leader in the market. The product has a mode for consistent and controlled interferences removal in the reaction mode. This makes it the most flexible and powerful multi-element analyzer in the world today. The result generated by the system is not in doubt at all and this is one of the many features that make it to stand out from the crowd.  So, you can successfully move your organization to the desired next level if you invest in the Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS.

Check below for some of the outstanding features of the ICP-MS/MS

Outstanding features

You can always trust this system for highly reliable results. Research shows that it has an incomparable accuracy, which makes it applicable to different industries. The accuracy is also consistent and this makes it the perfect choice for various processes, including controlled reaction chemistry.  Furthermore, you can trust the system for the resolution of isobaric overlaps. This function is applicable beyond high-resolution capability of the ICP-MS Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS has the lowest detection limits; this is the case even for difficult elements like phosphorus, Silicon and sulphur. You can always trust the system to simplify workflow in your organization. It can also be used for automation of your organization’s development methods.

Some other features of the system are highlighted below:

  • You can use the system for measuring arsenic speciation, arsenic and selenium with the assurance of a better accuracy in the food sample.
  • The system can equally be trusted for characterizing nanoparticles in biological and food samples, as well as, complex environments.
  • You can easily quantify unknown samples of peptides and proteins using this system. It successfully measures the phosphorus and sulphur heteroelements in an accurate manner at rather low concentrations.
  • It can monitor ultratrade contaminations at lower levels in wafer processing baths and bulk chemicals.
  • The product is highly versatile and exciting. It is reliable for method development and research.

Incomparable applications

You can apply the system in several areas that will take your career and industry to the next level. It can be trusted for hemp and cannabis testing. It has also found use in clinical diagnostics, as well as, clinical research. In fact, many use it for COVID-19 and infectious disease analysis. Its effectiveness for water analysis, air analysis and environmental exposures are well documented. The mining industry equally uses the system, including the security industry. Virtually every industry can benefit a great deal from the system.