To travel to certain places, people need an automobile and most of them use the cars often. To drive a LMV, the driver should posses a valid driving license along with proper documents. The insurance for the car and other documents like road tax are very essential to have. Driving a car without such documents may lead to penalty or the driver should face the legal actions. Most of the car owners have the insurances like 12 month policies and it should be renewed every year. If the friends or relatives of a user like to borrow his car, then they should be covered by the existing insurance policy. Otherwise they can take the temporary insurance or the short term insurance for the car.
What is Temporary Insurance?
In some cases if the users want to borrow his friend’s car, then he should possess a short term insurance on his name to ride the car. The cover of the insurance will be valid for 1-28 days. The users who like to obtain insurance for learner drivers can also use this facility. If the users need insurance cover for extended period then they can buy another short term insurance within the current cover expires. This policy is suitable for the young drivers, who don’t have their personal car but like to drive their friend’s car for any emergency purpose. For the Avid Travelers, this policy will be suitable because they can rent the sports or classic car for a trip and can submit the short term insurance, whenever it is required.
How does the Short Term Cover works?
It is an apt insurance for learner drivers and it can be easily obtained from the online portals like Once, the payment is made the instant cover will be sent to the user’s mail id with a special download link. The users who are going to renew their road tax can buy this policy and they must keep the printed insurance with them. The users can do both operations like insure for themselves to drive others car and insure for others to drive their car. While taking the long journeys, this policy would be very helpful. The drivers aged 17-40, who are holding the provisional driving license must accompanied by an adult with valid driving license. So, the users are advised to avail this useful service from the online platforms to drive the car for various purposes.