Being a volunteer of a Church you can shoulder the responsibility to lead inmates to follow the messages of Jesus Christ. This is truly a great experience to find them embark on a novel life. They work productively for the societies and please the supreme god. Prison ministry is a major work area of Westside Family Church , Kansas, and the esteemed Church community organizes prison ministry programs in several prisons in the US and other countries. From daily prayers to teaching sessions and different workshops especially designed for this purpose help prisoners get prepared mentally and physically.

As a volunteer, seeing the prisoners undertaking prayers of God with devotion, answering your questions in the right manner or asking you about their confusions in relation to gospels or bible will inspire you and strengthen your preaching skill. It’s not compulsory that you’ve to perform in the same way like a learned pastor. Ministry in prisons is a vast work where the Christian Churches put their best endeavors to show the poor victims the new ways to start their life. In Jesus Christ’s messages one most important is ‘forgiveness’. The church people will guide you based on Biblical instructions about the methods you have to treat inmates.

While working with them, you should always remember that they are also human being similar to other persons of the society. Yes, the difference in between a common person and inmates is that they are commonly caught due to any wrongdoing or committing crime in the community. Always treat them with love, compassion and respect which is the only option and technique of taking them in the right directions. If there are other volunteers from different Churches, it is always suggested to team up with them or with the staffs of the custody to organize different programs. In Christianity, you’re recommended by the God to work in harmony and pray in group with a common mind, spirit and purpose.

The community people of Westside Family Church Lenexa KS are extremely sincere to deal with each inmate, and importantly, their success ratio is unbelievable. They maintain a special cell which is focused on prison ministry activities. It has been equipped with experienced mentors, preachers, program organizers, volunteers and others. As per version of the chief Pastor that every staff as well as volunteers of their Church is given special training before they are assigned to work in prison ministry. In fact, this is quite challenging to perform effectively in prisons.

In the course, you also call the other church members in the same building to join in worship session. This kind of personal invitation helps foster your persona which is most important quality of a volunteer. The popular-most church in United States has numbers of campuses located all across America and other countries. In the US, they are serving the big Lansing Prison. The community is working untiringly for the needy people of Thailand, South Africa and India. All through the year, it organizes different fundraising programs for victims of natural disasters, Child sponsor programs and put all its income in Philanthropy.