Solid hardwood boards are reduced to a single, stair tread of solid wood, as the name implies. Manufactured hardwood is likewise composed of real wood, but it contains a core of hardwoods or chipboard and a layer of mahogany veneer on top. The Advanced Engineered Structure with engineered hardwood generates far stronger bonding between hardwood layers than standard constructed hardwood, resulting in improved durability.


The advantage of the solid comparison is that both types of construction will give longevity and hardness inactive active houses. Solid wood decking is naturally robust, but it must be fastened or attached to the subfloor permanently. Solid hardwood floors are much more prone to contracting or expanding dependent on humidity levels due to expansion and contraction difficulties. Engineered flooring has higher dimensional stability in harsh temperatures, solid wood flooring which means they’re less likely to buckle or rip. The core architecture that you pick determines how durable the solid wood will be.

Wooden Configuration

Because solid hardwood expands and contracts in response to temperature variations and humidity, it should only be used above ground level. In addition, the installation process for solid hardwood requires considerable thought. Solid hardwood carpeting can be glued, nailed, or staples to a hardwood subfloor, but it must have enough space to expand and contract naturally. Equal floor would buckle if the planks were too tight when they’re too loose; the spaces here between boards will become too large at cooler altitudes. As a result, certain engineered woods are ideal for use in your home, whether above, on, or below ground level.